Monday, 15 February 2010

Finally got myself in gear! A lot has changed since I last wrote on my blog- the biggest change being that I'm a mummy! Words can't describe how happy I am at mine and Dima's little creation- she's perfect, beautiful, so well-behaved, addictive... see more of our Lily on her blog: We've also moved into a new and better flat. Still waiting for our Tsavkisi house to get done (painted and ready for interior fitting, but ominous cracks have appeared under the big window which need to be...ahem, discussed with the builders)- photos to follow. What am I up to these days? Mummying with a bit of teaching to bring nappy-money in! Both Dima and Naira are on holiday from university until March, which helps on the baby-sitting front and means Daddy gets time with his baby girl! It's been snowing on and off the past week so we've been inside aside from the occasional walk around Kustba, watching lots of downloaded movies... and getting itchy for barbeques and long walks in woods, hills and new villages...roll on spring!!! Photos show our new livingroom, bedroom and office/classroom (I set it up for Naira!)and me with Lily Mariami.

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